N.B. I am not a financial advisor

Most financial advisors are little more than leeches, telling you whatever they think you want to hear so they can earn their commissions. Learn to invest for yourself. You can do it. Hopefully this blog will contribute to that a little bit.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Take Advantage of Dollar-Yen Exchange Rate

The dollar-yen exchange rate is down to 85 (85 yen buy 1 dollar), a 15-year low. Just two years ago (July 2007), it was at 120. What does that mean for people investing in US dollar-denominated funds?

At a rate of 120, 100,000 yen buys you $833.33 worth of USD funds.
At a rate of 85, 100,000 buys you $1176.47 worth of USD funds - an increase of 41%!

If you a long-term investor, now might be a good time to put a little bit of extra money into your USD funds.

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