N.B. I am not a financial advisor

Most financial advisors are little more than leeches, telling you whatever they think you want to hear so they can earn their commissions. Learn to invest for yourself. You can do it. Hopefully this blog will contribute to that a little bit.

Monday, August 23, 2010

In Striking Shift, Small Investors Flee Stock Market

"According to the Investment Company Institute, which surveys 4,000 households annually, the appetite for stock market risk among American investors of all ages has been declining steadily since it peaked around 2001, and the change is most pronounced in the under-35 age group."

Wow. That's bad... If you can help it, DO NOT pull your money out (unless you are close to retirement). If you are young, you are missing a great opportunity. You know how they say "buy low, sell high"? Well, when do you think that "low" time is?

Read the full story:

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