N.B. I am not a financial advisor

Most financial advisors are little more than leeches, telling you whatever they think you want to hear so they can earn their commissions. Learn to invest for yourself. You can do it. Hopefully this blog will contribute to that a little bit.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sorry, Facebook Investors: It's Mostly Your Fault

Stop me if you've heard this one.
Thousands of largely novice investors line up for what's been billed as "the opportunity of a lifetime" to buy a "can't-miss" investment destined for easy gains. Pundits take position and say it's worth buying at "any price." People whisper in anticipation over how much they'll make. Fifty percent? Double their money? More?
In the end, the floor drops out and they're left with hefty losses -- totally predictable losses. Furious investors want answers. What went wrong, they ask? The answer is usually complicated, but has a common denominator: You overpaid. Fell for the hype. Gambled and lost. It happens.
This could explain the dot-com bubble or the housing collapse. But it also sums up what's happened to Facebook (Nasdaq: FB  ) over the last few days.

 Read more: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/05/24/sorry-facebook-investors-its-mostly-your-fault-.aspx

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