N.B. I am not a financial advisor

Most financial advisors are little more than leeches, telling you whatever they think you want to hear so they can earn their commissions. Learn to invest for yourself. You can do it. Hopefully this blog will contribute to that a little bit.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How ETFs Can Help You Avoid Investing Mistakes

For decades, financial theories were based on the assumption that all market participants were rational decision makers, acting in their own self-interest. This simplifying assumption led to great insights like Harry Markowitz’s Modern Portfolio Theory and practical applications like index funds with their low costs and difficult-to-beat returns. However, recent academic work has focussed on a more realistic view of the market where investors often act irrationally, as many economists felt that the previous economic framework insufficiently described what they observed in reality. It doesn’t take a PhD to realise that humans make mistakes.

Read more:  http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/news/article.aspx?lang=en-GB&articleid=90508&categoryid=656

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